Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

Is there parking at the studio?

Yes, there is a free car park and free parking on the adjacent road.

How do we book Pointe Black for an event?

Please fill in the form on the contacts page to get through to our Founder directly.

How do I support Pointe Black?

There are many ways to support us! Whether through a donation, costumes, equipment or buying something off our wish list, have a look at our support page.

Is there a size guide for Uniform?

Yes, all size guides can be found here or directly from Starlite’s website.

Young Ballerina Classes

What do I need to bring to a young ballerina’s class?

If it’s your first class and you would not like to purchase uniform yet, please come dressed Black - a top, leggings, skirt, tutu etc. *Please do not come dressed in pink of any kind*. You’ll also need a snack and a bottle of water for your ballerina.

What age can a ballerina start?

Our classes start from 18 months, if they are used to being looked after by another person outside of family members. Please always contact Miss Ruth first before booking a class.

Are there parents allowed in the classes?

Yes you can sit on the side of classes, and B Troupe families are encouraged to support their ballerinas in class if needed. However, if we are preparing for our show, then we ask for families to stay outside of the studio, so the ballerinas can concentrate on their dancing.

Can I book a taster class?

Yes! We encourage your first class to be a taster. Have a look on our bookings page for all the details.

Adult Ballerina Classes

What do I need to bring to an adult ballet class?

Please wear comfortable but form fitting clothing to class. This does not have to be ballet wear (For example, our Founder wears gym wear to class sometimes!) 

Can I attend your classes if I’m a beginner?

Yes! All of our classes are beginners friendly. Ballet is not easy, but we provide a comfortably-challenging class!

Where do I buy skin-coloured ballet wear from?

We recommend Capezio or Bloch to get your skin coloured shoes or tights. Imperfect Pointes are a sustainable dance brand with skin coloured tights, for the ethical choice. If you'd prefer us to order for you, please let us know in advance.